
Floral Jacket

Cute floral jacket from H&M, $30 at the store...

$10 + $4,99 shipping at ebay. Cheers!


Hungry nights?

24h hours restaurants in Chicago?

Mexican vegetarian meals for about $5...


Hand Washing

Hand washing your favorite clothes, making them last longer, saving the world's energy and your quarters.

Shower Curtains

100% Cotton, $2, thrift (second hand) store.

MIA Boots

Mia Women's Black Ankle Boots: half price off on

Survival of the Prettiest

Great thrift choice: deals from ebay.

Survival of the Prettiest by Nancy Etcoff. This book was an indication from my Social Psyc. class.
Brand new: $5, free shipping - I was the only bidder, I won't it!